Fr. Alex Yeung, LC

Visiting Researcher

Professor (professore straordinario), Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical Regina Apostolorum Athenaeum, Italy

Project Title: Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion

An introductory textbook for students of philosophy of religion, charting an itinerary from a structured phenomenology to its philosophical foundations in the human person. The phenomenological part will follow mainly 20th century continental thought while integrating historical-comparative and paleontological insights. Leaving questions of natural theology and theodicy to a further study, the philosophical part will focus on the epistemological, existential and ontological conditions of religiositty in human persons. The research will conclude with applications at the level of religious liberty and the role of religion in human society.

Research Interests

  • Philosophy of religion
  • Philosophical anthropology
  • Philosophy, faith and science


Ph.D. (Philosophy), Pontifical Regina Apostolorum Athenaeum, Italy

S.T.L. (Masters in Theology), Pontifical Regina Apostolorum Athenaeum, Italy

B. Math (Computer Science), University of Waterloo, Canada

B.A. (Music), University of Waterloo, Canada