Joaquín García-Huidobro

Visiting Researcher

Professor of Philosophy, Universidad de los Andes (Santiago de Chile)

Research Interests

  • Ethics
  • Natural Law Theory
  • Political Theory

Research Project

Project Title: Ordering the Diverse: Law and Art in Viceregal America (16th to 18th centuries)

Abstract: Over the last 80 years, legal historians have shown how the law (Derecho Indiano) that developed in Spanish America between the 16th and 18th centuries was a highly original creation, which cannot be reduced simply to its European antecedents. The same has been done by art historians, who have highlighted the novelty of the painting, architecture and sculpture that emerged in the New World. My purpose is to bring the results achieved in both areas of knowledge into dialogue and to show the relationship between the law and the art of that time and how the study of works of art helps us to better understand the social and political order in those countries before the processes of independence. I focus especially on the cases of Peru and Mexico.


Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Navarra, Spain

Ph.D. in Law, Austral University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Law Licentiature in Juridical and Social Sciences, University of Chile